Who would have thought that Myspace, one of the first widely-used social media sites, would crumble to the likes of facebook, or that snapchat would grow so much in popularity that it could compete with instagram, becoming a major player in the social media sphere. What are the lessons here? Clean, simple, and functional. In all of these cases, the platform that rose above the rest was clean, simple, and functional. Many years ago, when using Myspace, I remember seeing some profiles that were so extravagant that it would take them minutes to load. Tons of graphics, music, wallpapers- it was utter chaos. Along comes facebook with its simple, straightforward design, and viola! a new start was born. These principles can be incorporated in the creation of social media content as well: content should be focused and functional, and adapt to the platform in which it is being published. Throughout the semester, I have vacillated between em...